Color & Emotion
in pursuit of whole-hearted endurance
Color & Emotion
Episode 38: Are you entertained?
Rebekkah Lenora
How will we spend our redeemed time and restored energy? If we can't be bothered to engage with God and in scripture unless it's a production, we need to repent and get our life together, lol. The Word of God does not need to be enhanced by visual expression, or made more entertaining. We adorn the Gospel by living it and abiding in Christ. As long as we idolize, and are addicted to entertainment, we're not ready to experience more of the glory of God ... because we won't rightly revere it.
Scripture References: Revelation 21:6, 22:17; Isaiah 55; Matthew 7, 12, Acts 8; Mark 8; Colossians 2:3; 1 Samuel 13, 28
~ Patient endurance is what we need now. Take heart. ~